
Boost engagement through a social discovery XP



User researcher



Shaker is a feature that creates a perfect playlist for your pals. It's a shared playlist that combines all your friends' music libraries, no matter what platform they use. Whether you're on a road trip, having a party, or going on a family vacation, Shaker creates the perfect blend.


Lead UR with the help of Senior UR


Support rebranding & boost engagement with social discovery XP.


In our 3-week study, I led 31 interviews - 16 moderated, 15 non-moderated - for diverse perspectives. Spreading them over the weeks gave us insightful data and enriched our study.

  • Deezer users group creators not joined by nobody

  • Deezer users group creators joined by other users

Targeted profiles

Main research questions

  • What motivated them to create a group?

  • Why are some users alone in their group, while others have been joined by others?

  • What can we do to improve the Shaker experience from the user’s perspective?

  • What motivated those who joined a group to do so?


I transcribed every interview and created an analysis document to identify patterns and trends, gaining valuable insights for future decisions and strategies.

Key findings on the Shaker experience

It's difficult for users to find and access Shaker within the application.


The majority of participants who have joined a group appear to be Deezer users.


Two types of sharing contexts have been identified:

  • Users who share while not being physically together

  • Users who share while being physically together


Users who share while they are not physically together seem to prioritize use cases of comparison, sharing, and discovery over music listening as the reasons for sharing.


What triggers the action of sharing a group is having one of the use cases + specific people in mind.


The most widely expressed means of sharing is WhatsApp. Discord has also been used for sharing.


The 'choose together' part is either not seen or not understood by the majority of users


The majority of users do not see the stats stories. However, when they see the stories, they find them interesting


Guiding the lead designer on shaker redesign for the rebrand initiative